The Empress on knees

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Her love knew no reason
It was built by
Cementing tears into regrets
Seasoned by lessons learnt hard

And so it poured from her
Inside out
Till everything that made her
Formed bricks
In the many walls of her heart

Where her unbridled love grew
By the stoic stubbornness
Of the battered and the beaten

Her fortress stood tall
It withstood
All the forces
Of pragmatism
Well wishers
And naysayers alike

Little did she know
The forces without
Were feeble

And its the storm within
That will break it down
Bringing to knees
Her impregnable empire

In an ideal world

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And somewhere in a parallel universe…

Jack and Jill did fetch that pail of water
Humpty Dumpty was put back together by the king’s men
Johnny did not lie to Papa about eating sugar
Romeo did not die
Brutus did not cheat

Love prevailed
Hope reigned
Truth was spoken

And.. and there was always a happily ever after…

Brittle sanity

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How fragile is your sanity
When it is tethered
By a burning weak rope
Of a quiet whispering question –

Does he think of me
In solitude and crowd
In his fleeting moments
Of retrospect and regret

Afraid to know the answer
As if it might be the lick of flame
That burns out the last strand
Ushering in an apocalypse
Of all that holds sense

How I became a Prophet

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There is a madness
Hidden behind your
Calm eyes

A madness so bright
It makes me believe
That it is the new righteous

An insanity so alluring
It makes me
Build a religion

Makes a prophet
Out of me

Speaking the sublime magic
Of your eyes

The shrine
Of senile happiness

Break me down

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The love I hold for you
Has the propensity
To break me in a thousand ways
And make it seem
So beautiful
That I crave for destruction
Over and over again

And when I am reborn
I seek you out
To be dusted yet again
By the cruel mercy
Of your love
For that one chance
Of nexus
just before annihilation….


Silver Lightning


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And when the clouds are dark
Threatening a storm
I stand there
With my head held high
Rain slapping
Against my face
Tears mingling with
The fresh downpour
In one hope
Of a touch
Of your lightning love
A caress that’s traced
With a silver finger
And burns me
To the bone


The Fall

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.. And then there are days
When pain is the only thing
Alive in me
I have removed the shards
Of broken glass dreams
That had pierced my soul
Yet the scars remain
With the fuel of memories
And gnawing thoughts
Of what could have been

On such days
I let myself fall
In a bottomless abyss
Ever hoping
You’d waiting
At the end of it all
Wake me up when this is done
A sleep will help
It always does



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We are fingers
Entwined together in love, lust and prayer

We are one breath
Whispering names and re-iterating promises

We are kisses
Unfolding gently like late autumn breeze

We are a part whole
A part broken, longing to re-unite

I am you and you are me
Basking in the aftermath of the storm called We

I am the million pieces of mosaic that makes you
You are the river that fills up my sea